About Us

Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology (SJST) published by Research and Development Office, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand with high-quality scientific papers since 1979. Initially, it aimed to provide an arena for domestic scholars to publish their research works using both Thai and English languages. SJST published as printed journal (ISSN 0125-3395). Since 2003, SJST (Volume 25) has published online version of printed journal on the journal website (ISSN 2408-1779). Subsequently, papers from researchers in many other countries were submitted and published. Since 2007, SJST has published papers in English only, 6 issues a year.

SJST provides an interdisciplinary platform for the dissemination of current knowledge and advancement in science and technology. Areas covered include Agricultural and Biological Sciences, Biotechnology and Agro-Industry, Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Engineering and Industrial Research, Environmental and Natural Resources, and Physical Sciences and Mathematics. SJST publishes original research work, either as full length articles or as short communications, technical articles, and review articles both as printed journal and available online on the journal website at www.sjst.psu.ac.th.

SJST is handled by an editorial board comprising well known professors in their areas from all over the world. It is single-blind peer reviewed with online submission system: ThaiEs (https://ph04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/SJST). It is an open access – online journal and indexed or abstracted in many highly respected abstract and citation database of research literature and quality web sources; SCOPUS, Directory of Open Access (DOAJ), Zoological Records, AGRIS, ASEAN Citation Index (ACI), and Thai Journal Citation Index (TCI, Tier 1). SJST has no submission and publication fees.