Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology (SJST)

ISSN: 0125-3395 | e-ISSN: 2408-1779 | Issues per year: 6

Indexed in Scopus | Free of charge to submit and publish


Deformation behavior and flow stress determination of AISI 8620 steel

Visarut Phatiwach, Oranicha Theerakiat, Laksamee Angkurarach, and Patiphan Juijerm

Vol.47, No.1, pp. 0-0


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Analysis of shoreline change along the coast of Rembang, Indonesia, using digital shoreline analysis system

Alfa Bagas Putra Trinida, Max Rudolf Muskananfola, Sigit Febrianto, and Diah Ayuningrum

Vol.46, No.5, pp. 458-465


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Effect of land use change on soil chemical properties in Gede-Pangrango volcanic soil, West Java, Indonesia

Rufaidah Qonita Muslim, Dyah Tjahyandari Suryaningtyas, I Gusti Made Subiksa, and Budi Mulyanto

Vol.47, No.1, pp. 0-0


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Prediction of inflation rate in Indonesia using Fourier series estimator and support vector regression (SVR)

M. Fariz Fadillah Mardianto, Diana Wahyuli, Nurul Mutmainna, Toha Saifudin, and I Kadek Pasek Kusuma Adi Putra

Vol.47, No.1, pp. 0-0


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