The current experimental study looks at how the limiting current density is approached on using rotating 2-stage 4- blade flat turbine promoters to improve mass transfer coefficient in an open electrolytic cell. The mass transfer data are obtained at microelectrodes fixed on the cell wall and electrode support using an electrochemical method. The electrolyte was equimolal in potassium ferricyanide, potassium ferrocyanide and excess sodium hydroxide. The mass transfer coefficients were calculated using limiting current data from a diffusion-mediated electrode reduction reaction at the microelectrodes attached to the electrode supports. The limiting current technique has been particularly chosen in view of its accuracy, simplicity, negligible chemical polarization, and absence of any physical change to the reacting surface even after long exposure. The effects of geometric parameters such as turbine diameter (0.05-0.09 m), blade width (0.005-0.015m), turbine rotational speeds (250-1250 rpm) and electrolyte velocity (0.567x10-3 to 7.93x10-3 m/s) were investigated. The mass transfer coefficients were increased by the turbulence created by rotation of the promoter turbines. The mass transfer correlation was formed in terms of dimensionless numbers: Schmidt number (Sc), Sherwood number (She), rotational Reynolds number (Rer), and flow Reynolds number (Ref).